Saturday, April 6, 2013

Happy Easter

Wow, I am really bad at keeping up with this blog. I probably say that in every post, too. Well, Eli is napping right now, so I thought I would get Easter pictures posted within a week of the actual holiday.

We had a really nice holiday weekend. I only had to work a half day on Friday and my parents came in that afternoon, so it was nice to have some extra time at home with family. Eli is always excited to see Oma and Papa!

We hunted eggs Sunday morning before church and he caught on quickly. This was his first egg hunt because he slept through it last year. He liked to shake the eggs to see if they made noise and he got pretty good at telling which eggs had candy and which ones had "monies" (pennies and nickles). The first egg he found broke open and he insisted on carrying the roll of Smarties around by his teeth. The Easter bunny brought Eli some hot wheels, crayons, a coloring book, stickers, a few books, and a small Bert and Ernie for his school bus. The hot wheels were his favorite, of course! He was very weird about the Easter basket grass. He did NOT want it in the basket or touching his cars. So, of course, Daddy kept putting the grass back in his basket just to see him get irritated. It was pretty funny.

Our church had a great Easter service. One of our friends sang this duet about the crucifixion from Mary's point of view, which had me bawling within the first verse. I blame the pregnancy hormones. :)

Checking out the "birds" at the farm supply store

There was no removing that candy from his mouth!

"Eggs, eggs!"

Don't you just want to squeeze him?!

Egg hunting at Aunt Maggie's

Lots of laughs with Oma and Papa

Here is a video of Eli at Easter last year. Warning...only watch this if you think a baby with a bucket on its head is cute. It's probably cuter if you are directly related to the baby. Also, please ignore when he almost cracks his head open on the hearth. I can't believe how much my baby has grown!